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The Many Definitions of Loyalty

cookie1 We all know we’re supposed to be loyal to our spouses. Most people think of “loyalty” as another way of saying “fidelity,” and in a way, that’s true. When we’re loyal to our spouses, we are most certainly faithful to them. But loyalty takes on many more facets.

When we are loyal to our spouse, that doesn’t mean we have to agree with everything they say. We may have opinions that vary widely, and we may want to discuss them often. But loyalty to our spouse means that we will disagree respectfully, careful not to belittle or criticize in the course of that discussion.

When we are loyal to our spouse, that doesn’t mean we have to like everything they do. It’s only natural that they will have annoying habits – everyone does. But we will refuse to join in the bashing sessions that invariably take place when a group of guys start talking about their wives, or a group of women start talking about their husbands. We won’t vent our frustrations about our spouse’s failings for the amusement of others.

When we are loyal to our spouse, we are there for them when they need us. We hold them when they cry. We stand by them when they need help solving a problem. We believe in their inherent goodness and treat them with dignity and respect. We cheer them on when they achieve their dreams. Above all, we work with them as a team, knowing that we’ll never be half as successful on our own, and we know deep in our hearts they will do all those things for us.

Loyalty doesn’t just cover the “thou shalt not commit adultery” commandment. It guides how we think about, talk about, and act around our spouses. It gives a guideline for how to cherish the most precious relationship we’ll ever have in our lives.

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