Whew! What a week! We started with the roll into Christmas and we’re ending it counting down to the New Year. Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve and we’ll be officially counting down the last few hours until 2007 is born. So let’s take a look at our last week of 2006 here in the marriage blog and the articles that we wrote to share with you. If you missed anything this week with the holidays, this is your chance to catch up on all of that.
Saturday, December 23
We marked the approach of the end of the year with the Top Ten Wedding Planning Articles of 2006 and the Top Twelve Marriage Articles of 2006 where I offered up my opinions on the top articles of the year.
Sunday, December 24
Christmas Eve – O, Holy Night we discussed the meaning of this day for many couples with regard to celebrating the Christmas holidays. How to Rediscover Dreams discussed the fact that Christmas is the perfect time to rediscover those dreams we may have abandoned or forgotten.
Monday, December 25
We Wish You a Merry Christmas shared my personal wishes for the many I know both with us and gone for a very, Merry Christmas.
Tuesday, December 26
Do you know what it means to wish a Happy Boxing Day? It’s a holiday celebrated in different ways in different cultures. Marriage in the News: Traditional Social Structures discussed the differences of culture and clan when it comes to marriage and how understanding those differences can help educate us to our neighbors around the world.
Wednesday, December 27
Do you find that being Married with Children – A Disruption of Life? Some couples do, but it’s important to look at the different aspects of it. In Marriage, Kids, and PDA Sherry discussed the fact that many of our children are resistant to public displays of affection between their parents but they are good for them. In After Christmas Sales: Opportunities for Couples gives you and your spouse the perfect opportunity to find all those perfect holiday decorations for next year. Is Marrying for Pleasure one of the problems with modern marriage? Religious Groups Offering More Support to Strengthen Marriage discussed the different programs that Christian Churches are offering to their congregations.
Thursday, December 28
Teaching our Children About Marriage means helping them to understand balance, affection and respect in their relationships both as children and as they grow.
Friday, December 29
Is a Flexible Schedule the Key to a Happy Marriage? and for my marriage, it is and Sherry agreed with marriage success relying On Being Flexible. Our need to be flexible is born in a world where we try to balance our individual needs and desires with the responsibilities and obligations of our relationships with our spouses and our children. In Relationships 101 – Happy Anniversary Marriage Blog we discussed where we’ve been and where we are going with the arrival of the New Year.
What was your favorite article this week?
Check out past Weeks in Review for more great articles.