Woo hoo, it’s Saturday and this week, we enjoyed watching our daughter go back to school and yesterday, she received a Good Effort Award for her progress in school. She’s mastering reading and so much more. Every day is a new adventure for us as parents and as a married couple, but we will talk more about that later. In the meanwhile, Sherry and I welcomed the arrival of the New Year here at the Marriage Blog with a series of articles covering everything from the marriage debates to the wedding planning.
So without further ado, let’s talk about our first week in review for 2007:
Saturday, December 30
Where Do You See Your Marriage in the New Year? asked if your marriage is growing stronger and better in the face of the challenges that are thrown at you year after year. It’s a great question and Sherry has some great answers for you here.
Sunday, December 31
In A New Year of Marriage Sherry looks at the potential the arrival of the New Year offers to you and your spouse with regard to your marriage. The New Year is the time of the year that focuses on new beginnings. In The Best Marriage Article of December we focused our attention on celebrating and creating traditions at the holidays for couples. In What Are Your New Year’s Plans? we asked how you planned to celebrate the arrival of the New Year. Finally, in a A Moment of Quiet Reflection I took a personal look back at the year we are finishing up before diving into the New Year arriving on Monday.
Monday, January 1
In Am I Bored or Am I Boring? we asked the question of what changes more, our attitudes or our interests over the years as we mature both in life and in our marriages. In Three Marriage Resolutions Everyone Can Keep Sherry offered the resolutions that even the best of marriages can embraces because there is always room for improvement. In Are We Out of Love With Marriage? we reflected on the reports that the United States and its citizens are losing interest in the state of marriage.
Tuesday, January 2
In Wedding Planning – Kindness is King took a look at the fact that kindness is the top theme for the modern wedding and the current season of wedding planning from the celebrity to the common individual. In Kindness Wedding Planning Tips we continued the discussion and offered ideas for wedding planners and couples getting married who want to employ kindness in their wedding planning.
Wednesday, January 3
In Midlife Crisis or Just Crisis Sherry talked about the difficulties confronting couples as one or both approach middle age. It’s important to acknowledge that adjusting to the different stages in life can be hard and it’s important to acknowledge that.
Thursday, January 4
In Don’t Ask for Help – Break the Bad Habit we looked at the idea that by asking for help on certain chores and obligations, we are taking ownership or responsibility of those chores. It’s important in a marriage to have balance and part of that is to not make it a habit to own a responsibility without sharing it with your spouse. In Marriage Tips: How to Share Your Household Chores we addressed the different ways couples can combine their resources to share their responsibilities especially with regard to household chores and more.
Friday, January 5
How Did Your Senators Vote on the Marriage Amendment? Sherry asked about the recent vote to ban gay marriage and whether our Senators are voting on party lines or in line with their constituencies. In The Do Not Ignore List there are several issues in a marriage that it is important to avoid ignoring and in fact can create more problems if you do ignore them. In Simplify Your Lives we talked about the fact that sometimes we make life more complicated than it needs to be and that there are things we as couples can do to simplify our lives. In Friday Marriage Funnies: Wisdom of the Ages we paused for a moment to enjoy the good humor our children offer in their wisdom about marriage and what they think it means to fall in love and more.
What was your favorite article this week?
For more great marriage articles, check out our previous weeks in review.