Good morning, welcome to the weekend’s marriage blog week in review, our way of trying to catch you up on the blogs you may have missed this week. For starters, in case you may have missed it, a new blogger has joined Sherry and I here as a regular Marriage blogger and she brings with her expertise in marriage therapy as well as in her own unique perspective. So be sure to check out Elizabeth Kane’s blog as you review this week’s entries.
Saturday, January 13
Marriage: Mountains and Molehills confronts an issue that while we’re all prone to exaggerating, making a habit of it can damage your credibility and your marriage. We’re All Aliens to One Another and it’s those differences that make our unions so unique and can make them so strong.
Sunday, January 14
In Celebrity Inspirations – Maintaining a Healthy Marriage we talked about the fact that Patrick Dempsey, the popular star of Grey’s Anatomy and his wife see a marriage therapist regularly to keep his marriage tuned up and on track.
Monday, January 15
In Marriage Advice: 5 Habits to Give Up we took a long look at 5 bad habits that can hurt your marriage and how you can correct them. In What About All Those Dreams? Sherry asked you about the dreams you and your spouse had when you first got married and in Date Night? Get Lost! consider getting lost, literally with your spouse – it can be a lot more fun than you might imagine. In Marriage Exercises: Want to Play a Game? offers some new ideas on games you and your spouse can play to help you emphasize the positive history the two of you share. In Marriage Counseling – Part 1 – Is Marriage Therapy Right for You? offers some insights into whether therapy is right for you and your spouse.
Tuesday, January 16
A Year of Potential Dreams challenges you and your spouse to take advantage of the year in front of you to make some dreams come true. In Marriage Counseling-Part 2- Why Couples Seek Counseling you can understand what motivates couples to attend therapy and how they may both be seeking it for entirely different reasons. You can get to know Elizabeth Kane better in her New Blogger Introduction. Are you or your spouse going back to school, then you might benefit from Marriage Tips: Going Back to School?
Wednesday, January 17
A very good friend of mine died on Tuesday and The Things We Remember was a small way that I could say goodbye. In Marriage Counseling – Part 3 – How to Choose a Therapist or a Psychologist Elizabeth offers you suggestions and tips on how to find the right therapist for you and your marriage. Will He Catch Me if I Fall? asks an interesting question and provides some even more interesting observations on trust in marriage.
Thursday, January 18
What Are the 7 Stages of Marriage? offers you a brief look at a new marriage help book available, one for happy marriages rather than troubled ones. In Relationship Advice: You Deserve to Be Happy Sherry addresses a very difficult quandary faced by one reader. Did you know that Romance a Day Keeps Divorce at Bay? If not, you might want to add a little more romance to your day-to-day life.
Friday, January 19
In Laugh, Cry, Kiss Your Problems Goodbye offers you a different way of tackling your marriage problems. Is Your Spouse into Sports? Luckily for me, mine isn’t, but Sherry offers some great insights into what’s coming up in sports for you and your spouse. In Uh Oh! How Can I Tell My Spouse? We’ve all had that feeling and we’ve all wondered how we can break the bad news of some mistake we’ve made or some incident that has happened to our spouse.
What was your favorite article this week?
For more great articles, check out our previous Marriage Blog weeks in review.