One of the challenges for writing the marriage blog is trying to see all the different twists, challenges and celebrations a marriage can encounter. We also try to address relationships both in and out of the marriage because our marriages are microcosms for our whole life and not just an isolated aspect of it.
Monday, July 30th
Household Chores and a Simple Thank You is something every couple that struggles over household chores should read. Conflicts about who does what in the household are one of the leading causes of marital discord. Showing your husband or wife genuine appreciation and saying thank you for what they are doing can go a long way to reducing that conflict.
Tuesday, July 31st
Have you ever wondered about the answer to Why Risk Yourself on a Relationship? There are a lot of reasons why you may feel reticent about involving yourself in a relationship – not the least of which are how messy unsuccessful relationships seem to become. But there’s always a reason why you should risk it – the chances for success are greater if you try and they don’t exist if you don’t.
Wednesday, August 1st
Have you ever heard of Therapist Induced Marital Suicide? There is documented evidence during the evolution of marriage counseling that some therapists encouraged divorce for couples who were really struggling to get along. The problem is that therapists often cited the idea that marriages made people miserable and that they needed to address their individual problems and if that meant separation – that’s the way to go.
Thursday, August 2nd
If You Knew Then, What You Know Now …? Would you change anything? We often speculate that we might do if we could go back in time and change events or happenings. Is there anything you would change?
Friday, August 3rd
Is an old Royal Marriage Law to be Abolished? Peter Phillips, the son of Princess Anne, eldest grandson of Queen Elizabeth II and 10th in line to the throne announced his engagement to a Canadian Catholic. According to the 1701 Act of Settlement, he would have to renounce his claim to the throne or she would need to repudiate her Catholicism.
What was your favorite article this week?
For more great marriage articles, check out our previous Marriage Blog weeks in review.