Poor Lyn has been quite the champ while I’ve been away. She took over covering Week in Reviews every week, instead of every other. (Thanks again, Lyn!) But now I’m back to resume my share of the duties. (Albeit I’m a wee bit off schedule this week.) At any rate, here’s a recap of what Lyn, Heather, and I wrote about on:
Monday, July 7
Lyn shared more about relating to your man and the importance of it.
She also examined issues of compatibility.
Tuesday, July 8
Lyn wondered if verbal affairs were just as detrimental as physical ones.
Lyn discussed the book “Better Single Than Sorry”.
Some ways are better than others for dealing with jealousy. Lyn offered a few of the better ways to do so.
I told about how Wayne stepped up when it mattered most, not once but on several occasions recently.
Wednesday, July 9
Heather gave us a glimpse of the heart through love letters from the past.
I wrote about how “your” song can be significant in so many ways.
Thursday, July 10
Lyn wondered if wives in arranged marriages could be happier than those who’d picked their mates themselves.
Lyn challenged readers to ask themselves if it could be worse to make a point that whatever problems you’re experiencing in your relationship probably aren’t as bad as you think.
I wanted to know who was the optimist/pessimist in your relationship.
I also suggested six additional places to leave love notes.
Lyn wanted to know what you would change about him, if anything.
Friday, July 11
Lyn examined the different ways men say they’re sorry.
Based on my own experience, I offered some strategies for working through tough times.
Saturday, July 12
I lost my diamond and because of my broken ring suffered a broken heart.
Sunday, July 13
To replace and engagement ring or not, that is the question I asked.
Past Marriage Week in Review Blogs