After abandoning poor Lyn for a couple of weeks while I dealt with family issues I’m finally ready to resume my share of Week in Review duties. Here’s a recap of what we dished about last week here in Marriage.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Lyn shared some interesting thoughts on Hollywood couples and the fates of their relationships. (Or demise as is the case more commonly and which may be a better word.)
Tuesday, April 1
It might have been April Fool’s Day but I was not joking when I wrote about the big changes in my little marriage.
Lyn discussed a book that had caught her eye after scanning the Forums: “The Power of a Praying Wife.” Apparently this book was a bit of a hot topic in the forums and after looking into it more, Lyn ordered the book and is anxiously awaiting its arrival.
Wednesday, April 2
Lyn contemplated the importance and necessity of balancing your life. All aspects of it, from spouses who work too much at outside jobs and thus ignore home life and vice versa. An excellent article to meditate on.
Lyn got her book she’d been waiting for and had already started reading it. So far she liked how the book focused on the wife and things she could do to improve her marriage.
Thursday, April 3
I shared how Wayne welcomed his mother-in-law.
Inquiring minds want to know, and in this case Lyn wondered how strongly do you feel against divorce?
Friday, April 4
When I was back in Denver I had the chance to take a trip down memory lane –the memories of all the places Wayne and I had enjoyed when we’d first fallen in love.
Saturday, April 5 and Sunday, April 6
All bloggers need a day of rest. In this case Lyn and I needed two of them.
Past Marriage Week in Review Blogs