After a bit of a hiatus, the Marriage Blog Week in Review is back! Karri and I will be taking turns posting it. As you might have surmised, this is my week to do it. So without further ado, here’s what we covered on:
Monday, September 17
Karri pondered the connection (or lack thereof as the case may be) between husbands and household chores. I detailed how Wayne and I celebrated our 12th anniversary and how happy Wii be.
Tuesday, September 18
I shared my single fantasy, the reality of which I’m sort of living and there isn’t much fantastic about it. I also gave my answers to the number one question I’m often asked: When are you going to have kids? Karri had a couple of questions of her own: What is love? and I’m pregnant! – Should I get married?
Wednesday, September 19
Because sometimes my initial answers to the question “When are you going to have kids?” lead to more questions, I presented the answers to those in Part II. Karri wanted to know if the grass is really greener in another’s relationship, because sometimes it seems like it might be when it really isn’t. I wondered if married people can have single friends. Karri had excellent advice she’d gleaned from a sermon that suggested it’s wise to learn and study your partner.
Thursday, September 20
Interpreting Paper: A Tale of a First Year Anniversary Gift was inspired by some friends who had what I thought were clever takes on paper gifts.
Friday, September 21
After watching an interview with a relationship coach and matchmaker on CBS’s The Early Show I found out that today’s dating emasculates men.
Saturday, September 22
Do you find your mate attractive? Karri found some interesting data that suggests couples who are blind to physical changes in their mates tend to stay together longer. She also wondered should you date a co-worker? It’s a controversial and touchy subject yet it can work.
Sunday, September 23
In the span of two weeks in September Wayne and I celebrate three birthdays and an anniversary. Is it wise to have everything at once?
Past Marriage Week in Review Blogs