This is been an interesting week here in the marriage blog, we started it off with a look at history from 40 years ago and we ended it with a vote that keeps same-sex marriage legal in the state of Massachusetts. It’s been busy enough that you may have missed something, if you did – here’s our Marriage Blog week in review so you can catch up on this week’s articles.
Sunday, June 10
Love Letters: Do You Know Who Mildred Loving Is? takes a look at the love story that existed between Mildred and Richard Loving, an interracial couple that met and fell in love during the 50s when the state laws of Virginia declared their union illegal.
Monday, June 11
It’s Mix It Up Monday – How to Detonate and Sabotage Your Relationship explores the different ways you can sabotage your own relationship. We take a good look at Runaway Brides – Why Do They Flee? and we’re not talking about the humor the movies find with the situation. In More on Runaway Brides we look at ways to help support the bride so she doesn’t feel the need to flee from the pressure.
Tuesday, June 12
Our Differences Help Us Grow and it’s those differences that help us to explore and enjoy our relationships. In Wives, Do You Nurture His Nature? we take a look at the idea that husbands are who they are and the very attributes that attracted us to them are as deserving of our nurture now as they were when we met them.
Wednesday, June 13
Husbands: Do You have a Can Do Attitude? It’s a great attitude to have, especially when it comes to emphasizing the priorities that make up your family, your career and your life.
Thursday, June 14
Is Your Spouse Your Competitor or Your Companion? Too often we get caught up in an unhealthy competition with our spouses and it takes away from the positive parts of the relationship. Many of you responded to the question Are Separate Bedrooms the Answer? whether literally or metaphorically, creating separate spaces for yourselves within the marriage can actually have a positive effect on the marriage.
Friday, June 15
In the News: Massachusetts Same Sex Marriage Continues to be Legal examined the vote in Massachusetts that decided against a state amendment being added to the ballot in November. For now, same-sex marriage remains legal in the state of Massachusetts. Opponents will have to start over from square one and the earliest they will be able to get it back on the ballot again will be November of 2012. In Bringing Back Romance we tackle the tough subject of injecting romance back into your relationship after the children are born. Finally, we examine Overcoming A Fear of Commitment.
What was your favorite article this week?
For more great marriage articles check out our previous weeks in review.