Sometimes the weeks seem to fly by too fast and it’s hard to keep track of everything we have going on from day to day. Today is Mother’s Day and we’re almost halfway through May. How can we be halfway through May? How can there just be nine days left on the school year? How are we going to balance life and the changes that summer brings? Well, let’s get started by taking a glance back at the week behind us in case you missed any of our marriage articles this week.
Sunday, May 6
Getting married soon, you might want to Sell Your Wedding Dress after the wedding to recoup some of your investment and also to help out another bride.
Monday, May 7
Help for Forced Marriage Survivors? it’s out there and Sherry’s done some of the legwork for you. We continue our series on Marriage Laws: New Jersey & Delaware and for an interesting look at something different, check out Marriage in the News: Taiwan Yearbook.
Tuesday, May 8
Looking for a way to Make Mom Feel Special on Mother’s Day or any day? Sherry asks Will Gay Marriage Be on the Ballot in Massachusetts in 2008? That is the question. Love – It’s a Double-Edged Sword and whether you are married or in a relationship, love can make it tough.
Wednesday. May 9
Marriage Laws: Pennsylvania continues our series of studying the different marriage laws across the country. In the News: California Assembly Offers Equal Opportunity and if the law continues past the State Senate and to the Governor’s desk, men will have the same opportunity as women to take their partner’s name after marriage.
Thursday, May 10
Marriage Laws: Maryland & Washington D.C. is another installment in our series on marriage laws.
Friday, May 11
Is Divorce Just So Five Minutes Ago? According to some statistics, it might be. Our marriage series continues with a stop in Marriage Laws: Virginia & West Virginia and finally, you may not think Mother’s Day Romance is possible, but why not? Moms are women and have needs just as they did before they were moms.
Saturday May 12
How Important is Conversation in Your Marriage? It should rank up there in the top. Domestic Partnership Registration in New Jersey should answer your questions about registering for a domestic partnership. Trash: The Discarded Aspects of Our Lives takes a look at a different side of our marriage, one we might not take a look at too often.
What was your favorite article this week?
For more great marriage articles, check out our previous weeks in review.