We bloggers love when our readers leave comments. Whether you agree or disagree, this is a community that embraces discussions. I know that I always look for the blogs with lots of comments not only to read what the blogger has written, but to read what others think. With that said, here is a list of the most talked about blogs in education for 2006.
Hot Button Issues
The Good, the Bad, and the Inappropriate: Banning Books from Your Child’s Library
Would Schools Be Safer with Stricter Gun Control Laws?
To Separate or Not to Separate: Twins in the Classroom
Georgia High School Students to Study Bible as Elective
Student Drug Testing in Middle School
Does More Money Mean a Better Education?
Wisconsin Legislator Calls for Teachers to Carry Guns in School
Parents Supporting Teachers
What Happened to the Good Old Days in School?
What Teachers Need Parents to do For School Success
School Curriculum
Why Schools are Teaching Social Skills
Education A to Z: E for Early Childhood Education
Blogger Commentary
Why I Choose Public School for My Children
Are English Language Only Laws Really Helpful?
My Inner City Story: Inner City Conditions
Of Interest to Teachers
Helping Lateral Entry Teachers Be Successful
Teaching the Gay Student–Keeping an Open Mind
Teacher Preparation
Problems and Issues in Education
The NEA Addresses the School Drop Out Crisis
Amish School Shooting: Yet Another Wave of Violence in our Schools
Public Schools vs. Private Schools Courtesy of the Department of Education
Collaborative Teaching Through the World Wide Web
Brokeback Media–Unwanted Press and Private Schools
No College Student Left Behind
Is your favorite blog from 2006 on this list? Which one was it?