If you’re looking for a new card reader try this one on for size. This card reader by Sundayo is designed to read every type of memory card know to man, as well as perform a variety of other functions.
Talk about all in one; this thing truly does pack everything it possible can into its small size. When you first look at the card reader you will immediately notice that it is also a calculator. In addition to being used as a calculator, you can also use the card reader as a clock, calendar, timer, and world clock.
The card reader will read and write to the following types of memory as well as several others:
- xD Card
- SD Card
- MMC Card
- Mini-SD Card
- RS-MC Card
- Micro Drive
- CFI Card
- MS MG Pro Card
- UTMA Fish Card
Its amazing how small things have started to get, and how many different electronics are now being combined into one. I worked in best Buy while I was in college and can remember the first card readers we received in the store being not only huge, but also very expensive. Most card readers you purchase even today will only read memory cards, and multi-card readers usually only support three or four popular card types.
This card reader will read every type of memory card known to man…and then some, as well as wake you up and keep track of your appointments. That is a lot of things to expect out of one device, and how many people actually need to be ale to read seventeen different types of media?
This is one of those devices that I think is the wave of the technological future. We are slowly combining more and more devices. Twenty years from now I can see us all going and buying cell phone that will also make us dinner, the question is will it do the dishes too?