I hate the N word. You all know what word I mean. I was raised in New England and I never really heard it all too often. I moved to Texas and I hear it so frequently quite frankly it disgusts me.
We had to sit some of our family and friends down and explain to them before we adopted our children, no matter their race, that we would not allow that word to be used in our home, around us or with our children. We just hate that word and the bigoted meaning behind it. I did not care if it was how they were raised or if they hear it everywhere I would not allow it in our lives.
Maybe it is a generation thing some people in the older generation still use the N word when talking about any African American, some use the N word as bigoted word of hate. Today’s generation uses the word too much. You hear it when young African American men yell to their friends, in music and movies.
When my son was in Kindergarten the teacher actually thought it was ok to use the N word in class, she had no issue with the word. So why did I? I am Caucasian and I take more offense to the word than some African Americans. When I heard that his teacher was using this word and allowing other kids to use it I was outraged and brought it to the principal’s attention and she too thought it was acceptable to use in class. Yet, people want to take the N word out of “Huckleberry Fin” and “Of Mice and Men”. Why would we change classic literature to be politically correct and not change the mentality of using it in schools? At least in the literature they were talking in terms that were relevant in the time that they were written in. Would we change the movie “Roots” to not include the N word? NO because it was relevant to the times of the movie and the racism that it was addressing.