I remember the butterflies floating around in my stomach as I stood in front of Mrs. Bender’s second grade class. I was looking forward to making friends and having fun in this new environment. Yet, being the new kid in class came with anxiety and fear. Will the kids like me? Is this teacher really an alien from another planet? Will any of these kids sit with me at lunch? Thankfully, I had a wonderful year and made some great friends.
Much like that day so many years ago, I stand before you now as Families.com’s new Home School blogger. This time I need not fear the lunchroom dynamics or a teacher from outer space. In fact, my butterflies are floating to the tune of excitement and not anxiety. Writing about this passion of mine is a privilege. As I share my experiences and what knowledge I possess with you, I hope I can serve you well.
So, you must be wondering who is this new Home School blog lady and what qualifications does she have? I am Richele, author of a home school blog which was nominated for the 2009 HSB Award from The Homeschool Post. I currently write for Curriculum Choice and just joined The Old Schoolhouse Home School Crew for the 2010-2011 school year. You can find me on CurrClick publishing copywork books and mini unit studies for preschool through third grade children. My collegiate background is in psychology and philosophy with an emphasis in educational psychology. In addition, I am developing Christian centered manners classes and curriculum with another home schooling mom.
What are my real qualifications? I boast four students ranging from junior high down to preschool who keep me hopping. I have a closet full of curriculum that was not a good fit and another closet full of workbooks that have never seen a pencil mark. My bookshelf is full of “how to” home schooling books and “what your child needs to know” books. I spend my days juggling children of different ages, stages, personalities and needs all while keeping them in clean underwear.
I spent years developing my own style to finally find that Charlotte Mason sits upon the throne of our home school kingdom. I’ve been discouraged, exhausted, and felt like giving up. Then, the afternoon starts and I remember the joy and reward of educating my children. I have put my blood, sweat and tears (sometimes many tears) into years of home schooling. I’ve asked all the questions and spent many hours seeking the answers. I do not claim to know it all, but I have a passion for encouraging home schooling moms.
My hope is that you enjoy reading my posts and gain encouragement and whatever insight I can offer. In addition, my hope is that you share your journey with me as well. I am very excited to be a member of the Families.com “family” and look forward to a long relationship with other home schooling moms.
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