Hi, my name is Sara and I am thrilled to have this opportunity to share my experiences as the mom of a toddler with you. My son’s name is Dylan, and he is just over twenty seven months old. We live in Vermont and in about a month, our family will be expanding by one as we welcome another baby boy.
Since this blog is all about toddlers and every toddler is unique, I think that I’ll tell you a little bit about Dylan so that you will know who is shaping my toddler mom experience. Like any toddler, he is both a source of infinite joy as well as infinite challenges. We share moments of bliss as well as times when I find myself wondering how I will make it through the rest of the day.
Perhaps the best way to describe Dylan is that he is, without a doubt, a spirited child. Some of you may have read the book, “Raising Your Spirited Child”, by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka. I find myself picking it up again and again as I have found it to be a wonderful resource for those times when I wonder “Are all two year olds like this?” or “what on earth am I supposed to do about this?” The strategies and techniques have really helped me to embrace and enjoy Dylan’s unique personality and learn to parent him in a way that is loving and respectful of who he is while teaching him the rules of our home and the world.
Being the mother of a toddler is an adventure, to say the least. Each day leaves me wide eyed in amazement as my son seems to grow both physically and mentally right before my eyes. Toddlers are the most fascinating little people. I did not realize this until I had one of my own. Share the adventure with me here on the toddler blog as I explore all things toddler.