It’s a New Year and time to think about my budget for the year ahead. Maybe you have already planned expenses for the upcoming year, but I am just starting to get the numbers down on paper.
As I have casually mentioned in just a few blog posts, Hubby and I, well, – we’ve got some debt.
In a spending spree extraordinare last year, we remodeled our kitchen, installed a gourmet coffee machine, spent our savings on our fridge and still managed to travel a bit.
Then Christmas came, we hosted for a family of seven and I knew our budget would blow up.
But actually, we did good.
Over the Holidays we spent a lot of money, but somehow, miraculously, we managed to find every single penny without once pulling out the credit card.
Granted, my parents were in town, and that helps with the grocery bills, (thanks Dad). Somehow we still managed to have a nice Christmas on a budget.
There were presents under the tree, Santa found our home, and our kitchen saw a lot of one time per year exotic foods. At the end of it all we had a New Years Bash with champagne and all – and we aren’t any more in debt than we were two weeks ago.
I’m proud.
But now I have to think very carefully about all the expenses needed this year. We have already planned some travel to visit family, and there is a party to help plan and pay for across the country for my parents, ((50 years of marriage – WOW!)…. and of course that ol’ TV that’ll probably go on the blink.
So, how am I going to start the savings process and pay off debt?
I’ll be keeping you up to date with a play by play this year of things that work (and don’t work) for us, and what our other friends and family are doing.
Stay tuned to this blog – 10 tips to overcome holiday spending and get back on track coming soon.
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