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The Nightgown

When we were getting everything ready for Jessie to have her tonsils and adenoids removed Grammy and Poppa sent a package to cheer her up during her recovery. The package included the cutest book about if whales have wings. (Jessie will tell you that no, they don’t.) The package also contained an adorable nightgown.

I don’t wear nightgowns. I don’t like nightgowns. Nightgowns are weird. They get twisty at night, are really uncomfortable, and aren’t cute. Jammies are cute. Even a shirt is cute. Nightgowns are annoying.

Since I’m a little biased against nightgowns, I didn’t show this adorable nightie to Jessie and give her the option to wear it to bed. I also rationalized that because Miss Jess refuses to use the potty and is still in diapers, nightgown access to her diaper is probably not the wisest option. But then last night the laundry had not made it from the dryer to Jessie’s dresser yet and her pajama options were pajamas for cold weather and the nightgown. The temperature did dip last night, but not enough to want to wear a lot of sleeves and pants. I showed Jessie the nightgown. She proclaimed that it was cute.

I am happy to report that the night of the nightgown was uneventful. That’s not exactly true, but that’s more for another blog than this one. The diaper stayed on. Jessie slept well. She didn’t want to take her nightie off. She really was cute too.

I owe this nightgown props. It’s a nightgown I might wear. It’s not a full-length to-the-ankles dress-type nightgown that’s crying out to twist itself around the body at night. It’s a demur and manageable knee length with ruffles. It’s perfect for the toddler’s first foray out of jammy pants and shorts and into nighties. Did I mention she was cute too?