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The Notebook: The Epitome of Devotion

I’ve been reflecting on devotion and devotion levels recently. Because the stroke seems to have enhanced my mom’s dementia, the romantic in me has also been reminded of the movie The Notebook.

If you have not seen this movie, in one of her blogs Christian Blogger Dale Harcombe summed it up best: “Caution – don’t attempt to watch this movie unless you have a full box of tissues handy.”

Where the storyline is the epitome of devotion, the movie is the epitome of a tearjerker for sure.

Wayne was actually the one who reminded me about the movie. I had rented it way back whenever it was released to the video stores and watched it by myself one night. I didn’t think Wayne would like it because part of it is set during World War II era and he’s not much into period pieces. (I’m now learning WWII is okay, England circa 1700-1800s is not.)

Anyway, one night after we’d moved to Nashville The Notebook came on one of the movie channels we have. How we ended up watching it, I don’t know, but Wayne was enthralled. By the end, he was balling harder than me and held me tight until he fell asleep that night.

I had forgotten how distraught and moved he’d been after watching that movie until the other night when it somehow came up in relation to my mom’s worsening condition. I think the conversation went something like:

“You know that sort of scrapbook album you made me one anniversary not too long ago? The one that you gathered pictures, mementos, and love letters from our first date to our house in Jacksonville?” Wayne asked.

“Yeah,” I answered skeptically. I had almost forgotten about it myself so I was stunned he remembered. To my knowledge, he’d only looked through it the day I gave it to him.

“If you ever get lost in your head like your mom, that’s going to be “The Notebook” I use to get you back. Okay?”

Okay? What is he crazy? Here I was thinking we’re facing a marriage crisis and he goes and gets totally sentimentally mushy on me like that.

I guess I can live through all my other woes if he’s planning on being that devoted to me until the bitter end.

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