Many people give a broad objective statement focusing on what they are looking for in a position. Objective statements should be specific, directly relating to the position, and show what you can offer to the prospective employer.
Objective statements should not sound like a “what I want to be when I grow up” statement, but a very precise, detailed statement. An objective statement should provide the prospective employer with enough attention, interest, desire, and action to pick you.
The objective statement should include what you can do for the employer or the employer’s needs, not necessarily what you want to accomplish. Although, you can state what you want to accomplish by mentioning your qualifications.
If you use a qualifications summary on your resume you don’t necessarily need to use an Objective Statement. A Qualifications summary is just that, a list of your qualifications. It explains the type of job you want and your goals, along with a summary of why you qualify for the position.
Because of the summation it is obviously longer than an objective statement but it goes into much more detail about what you have to offer the prospective employer. The following information should be included in a qualifications summary.
– The title or position that you are applying for or have worked.
– The number of years you have experience in the specific industry.
– List your experience, strengths, or specializations related to the position.
– Any certifications, degrees or licenses related to the position.
– Any business or office skills related to the position.
People that should use a qualifications summary should have at least five years of experience and expertise in the related field. All others can use an objective statement if they prefer. No matter if you use an objective statement or a qualifications summery keep in mind to be specific and detail about what you can offer the employer.