I was talking to a young woman yesterday who is getting married in June. She is excited about the wedding and bubbled over with the details of the wedding ceremony, her fiancé and more. Despite my own exhaustion, I couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm and her passion. It reminded me of when my husband and I were in the early stages of planning our wedding – the enthusiasm, the excitement and even the titillation of planning a life together and I started thinking of everything they have to look forward to.
It’s Good to Remember
It’s good for those of us who have been married a while to remember those passionate days of being freshly married or the excitement that comes from planning to be married. There are couples that do manage to hold onto this passionate excitement for years after the initial honeymoon stage. For other couples, you revisit this era – sometimes after a baby is born or other major life change or even near death experience.
But I think it’s worth talking about the fact that you can recapture this early magic by remembering how it made you feel and how important it was for the two of you and the way you felt.
Do you remember that magic? Do you remember how you felt? Here is a little reminder so that if you and your spouse are interested in recapturing those early days of your marriage, do you remember when:
- the love you felt seemed to color ever interaction and when you thought of your spouse or looked at them, you felt full to the brim?
- you couldn’t wait for the hours of the work day to drift by so you and your spouse could be reunited and that you loved being with them so much that even doing laundry was a pleasurable event?
- sexual intimacy kindled when you were holding hands and you could laugh just from meeting their eyes
- the world seemed rosier and softer because you were together with your spouse
- other people just don’t hold your interest the way your spouse does
Sometimes, I think the longer we have been married, the more jaded we become. We get so caught up in our responsibilities and obligations that we forget to nurture the magic, the romance and the passion that gave us such a firm foundation to begin with.
Do you feel that you and your spouse are still in the passionate era of your marriage?
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