On account of the baby shower (see the last post) we had lots of guests spending the night in our new home. This wasn’t a problem and was even welcome! It was great to see so many people we hadn’t seen in a very long time. There was, however, an issue. It’s not a negative thing by any means but it did have clear repercussions: our son was extremely excited about having guests over too. So excited, as it turned out, that he was going to put on a major show for everyone. Not only that, he was going to stay up late dancing and entertaining everyone. Not only that but he’d end up paying for it the next day. After the night where our son made lots of new friends came the day when our son slept in later than usual and tried to party all day again. Something had to give.
It turned out that after another morning of partying our son was treated to a departure of two of our visiting guests. He was sad to see them go but smiled warmly while waving goodbye. He’s a good boy and he’s a caring little man. He’s learned well how to say “drive safe” to everyone as they depart from our new driveway. A consequence, however, came later when more of his aunts arrived. These aunts were also welcome, but our son was in entertaining mode again and he kept pushing and pushing far past his nap time. And so it came to pass, that on the day after the baby shower of 2011 that our son, while eating peanut butter sandwich, cereal, and yogurt, fell asleep in his high chair and needed to be washed off by mom and put to bed by dad. I hope he’s learned a lesson. Perhaps we’ll recount this story when he’s a teenager begging to have an extended curfew. Should’ve learned your lesson years ago, kid. Do your friends need to see the picture of you passed out in your high chair?