I’m not a drinker (Mormon! that was a Pirates joke) but I’m told there is a wine for every meal. Red wine with beef, white wine with fish. But what about pork, the other white meat? What would you drink with that?
Ah, but I digress. I had a thought – if there is a wine for every meal, shouldn’t there also be a snack for every book? I have compiled the following list, a suggestion, if you will.
Romance novels – how about something sweet? Strawberries dipped in chocolate, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate anything – you see, chocolate feeds the endorphins in your brain and produces feelings of love and comfort. It’s an obvious choice for me.
Fairy Tales – this one’s also obvious. What do fairy tale characters always carry with them on long journeys? Bread and cheese, usually bundled up and carried on a stick over their shoulder. If you’re reading a fairy tale, bread and cheese is the only way to go.
Happy Book – this could be anything from a chick flick to a light romance; any book that just makes you feel happy. Food for a book like this is usually brightly colored and cheery. How about orange slices, Cheez-its, or Doritos? Orange is the color of happiness. Just don’t get orange powder on your book, especially if it’s a library book. See this blog for more details. Oh, and this one too.
Adventures Set in Snowy Climates – beef stew and hot chocolate, all the way. Then at least you can be warm even if your character isn’t.
Drama – one doesn’t usually snack while reading drama. If it’s well-written, your stomach should be twisted in knots and food will be the furthest thing from your mind.
Suspense – see the entry for “drama.” However, once the moment of suspense is past, you will want to celebrate, so see the entry for “happy book.”
Diet Books – anything bad for you. Have you ever noticed that nothing makes you more hungry than reading a diet book? And the whole time, you’re thinking, “This is my last one. I’m really going to enjoy it because I’m never going to eat another one.” Yeah, right.
Nonfiction books – fish sticks. Fish is brain food, and if you’re reading nonfiction, it is probably something educational. Eating fish while reading it may help you retain it better. And, if you’re a wine drinker, you might choose the white wine to go with that.
Horror – marshmallows and donut holes. I’ve heard that these two foods are the favorite foods of ghosts, so what better to eat while reading horror?
Perhaps my theory is off, but it seems to me that if a certain wine can enhance your enjoyment of a meal, then so should a certain snack enhance your enjoyment of a book. Let me know what you think about that.
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