I’m one of those people who get an idea about something that they need and then spend way too much time searching for exactly what I want. This habit is much better suited for house hunting or buying a car than it is for small purchases. Maybe I justify this because I spend almost as much time with my yoga mat as I do in my car.
Honestly, my mat has a lot of life left in it. After a nice cleaning, it is almost as good as new. So what, that it is a subdued, olive green and it has a couple of scratches on it? I should be happy that I have one of those ¼ inch thick ones that’s just enough extra cushion to make a difference so I don’t have to put a foam mat underneath it when I’m on a wood floor.
Standard yoga and Pilates mats are 1/8 of an inch thick. The thinness comes in handy for easy transporting from class to class. You’re more likely to find one this size in colorful solids and patterns. I’ve seen everything from lotus flowers to patterns reminiscent of mandalas. If you can find a mat that has a line, or lines, going from one long end of your mat to the other, then you have pattern with purpose. A nice line is perfect for aligning heels in Warrior Poses. There’s something to be said, of course, for finding your own lines, though, without any visuals that might distract you during your practice.
Perhaps, buying a new mat when it’s not entirely necessary doesn’t have to be a complete materialistic act. Old mats can be wiped down or even thrown in a washing machine (read any labels) and then passed to a YMCA or other gym. You can also encourage a friend to come with you. Give them your hand-me-down mat and let them try a class with you. Have I convinced myself yet?
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