Presidents’ Day, Mardi Gras, and Ash Wednesday … ah, there was a lot going on in the “real world” last week, but what about in the Pets Blog? Miss anything? If so, here’s a recap of what Aimee and myself covered:
Monday, February 19
Monday was Presidents’ Day. What better way to pay respect Pets Blog style than with a virtual trip to the Presidential Pet Museum to Hail the Resident Pets in Chief? (Of the many interesting facts I learned, the one that struck me the most was how pet-friendly our Leaders in Chief are or have been. Only five did not have pets of any sort in residence with them during their administrations.)
Tuesday, February 20
Aimee profiled the Dandie Dinmont Terrier, which won Best in Group for the terriers this year at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. In Tabby: The Continuing Saga, I related my continuing adjustment to foster cat motherhood.
Wednesday, February 21
Aimee returned to the Westminster Kennel Club venue to profile Bouviers des Flandres, which won Best in Group for the Herding Group. (Which was pretty neat, because apparently World War I almost wiped them out entirely!)
Thursday, February 22
I returned my attention to All the President’s Pets (Washington and Lincoln’s, At Least) in honor of George Washington’s actual birthday. Aimee gave a timely reminder that Spay Day USA is coming on February 27, 2007. (That’s tomorrow!)
Friday, February 23
In search of Murphy’s lineage, I stumbled across The History of the Australian Cattle Dog and also researched the characteristics of the Bluetick Coonhound. To show the importance of spaying and neutering, Aimee compiled some compelling Pet Overpopulation Statistics.
Saturday, February 24
We usually end up taking one (or sometimes both) day(s) off during the weekend, and this Saturday happened to be it!
Sunday, February 25
In case you have a new pet and are wondering Where to Go for Spaying/Neutering, Aimee came up with some good suggestions.