Delivered for your reading pleasure is another installment of the Pets Blog Week in Review. Below you’ll find all the topics Aimee and I covered the previous week.
Monday, May 21
Poor Aimee, Moose and Lally! They just arrive in their new town, find a great dog park, and what happens? Poor Moose gets attacked! Aimee tells all about it in You Should Have Seen the Other Guy? This incident also sparked her to write about dog aggression in general. The days of aggression in my household (except mine is cat-based) might be nearing an end as there have been huge strides in the Tabby and Mr. Meow saga.
Tuesday, May 22
Aimee’s dog park incident happened just in time for National Dog Bite week. It was a good (yet unfortunate) example of the different types of dog aggression dog owners may encounter, as well as a lesson in recognizing signs of aggression. And speaking of aggression, but of a different kind…Mr. Meow strikes back!
Wednesday, May 23
Did you have a happy World Turtle Day? Hopefully you came out of your shell and showed some turtle awareness. Aimee passed on a few pointers about what to do if your dog attacks someone, as well as tips for reducing and preventing aggression.
Thursday, May 24
I’ve got Tabby earning her catnip with a job shredding papers these days. (Helps with her aggression issues.) Aimee continued her “aggression” series with info on what to do if a dog is aggressive towards you, and shared advice on how to have people approach your dog.
Friday, May 25
I ranted about Michael Vick sticking to football, not dogfighting. Aimee talked about the basics involved in starting a shelter. She also ponderd the different things that makes for a good temperament in a dog.
Saturday, May 26
Aimee explained how to get the community involved in starting a shelter.
Sunday, May 27
Starting a shelter is not easy; keeping it going is even harder. If you’ve done it, Aimee wants to know how you are doing, and gives some great suggestions for remaining positive during the rough days.