The first time I ever kept a food journal was when I was trying to lose the weight I had gained with my first baby. As I competed in a nine week “Biggest Loser” challenge at the school were I taught, I found the food journal to be an essential tool in my weekly success (I ended up winning the competition too).
I started keeping a food journal again just before I became pregnant the second time. My husband and I were trying to get pregnant again and I wanted to make sure I was eating as healthy as possible for the conception of our second child.
Once we had conceived I continued the food journal to ensure that I was getting enough protein in my daily diet. It also helped my steer clear of unhealthy food choices especially sweets! After awhile I stopped keeping the journal because I felt that I had a good grasp of my daily protein needs and the foods I needed to eat to meet those needs.
When I began prenatal care with our chosen midwife I started keeping the journal again on her request. After a few weeks I stopped keeping track.
I recently started keeping track of my food intake after I gained more weight than I should have in the three week period in between prenatal visits. I was not accounting for all the little treats I had been eating and the result was unneeded extra pounds and a very distraught expectant mommy. I was really upset with myself for gaining beyond my target weight gain. I feel that if I would have continued to maintain my food journal that my weight gain fiasco would have never happened. Now I am recommitted to keeping up on my food journal after every meal. It has proved to be a very helpful tool!