There are several pregnant women in my extended family. Yesterday I attended a baby shower for one of these pregnant women; she is my husband’s cousin’s wife. Aside from my sister who very recently gave birth to her first child, a girl; there are a total of three expectant mommies on my husband’s side of our extended family.
It is not uncommon for sisters and sisters-in-law, and in our case cousin-in-law, to be expecting around the same time. When I was young, my mother was expecting at the same time as five other sisters and sisters-in-law.
What is interesting is who is pregnant and when we are expecting the arrival of our babies. First there is my husband’s sister-in-law. She and her husband (my husband’s brother) are due around thanksgiving. They are expecting a girl. This will be their second child; the first being a son who is almost three years old.
Two weeks later my husband’s cousin-in-law in due. The interesting thing about my husband and this particular cousin is that they refer to each other as the “other brother” meaning that they consider each other to be a brother because they have always been so close. Even more interesting is that my husband’s father is the twin brother of this particular cousin’s mother making them even closer. My husband’s cousin and his wife are also expecting a girl.
Then there is my husband and I. We are expecting our second child two weeks after my husband’s cousin and his wife. We also have an older son, like my husband’s brother and sister-in-law, who recently turned two. These two boy cousins are a mere ten months apart and are becoming fast friends (since we have moved back to our home town). We are very excitedly expecting a girl as well.
Strangely enough we are all expecting baby girls and we are all due within two weeks of each other! Yesterday at the baby shower, a photograph was taken of all three of us expectant mommies that married into the family! It is hard to tell who has a bigger baby bump!