Yesterday we looked at the problems that are encountered with young marriages. Today we will look at older marriages. There can be many pluses in getting married later but are there any pitfalls in later marriages?
The couple getting married has had time to establish their careers first or to travel. Presumably if they have been working longer and moving up in their careers, this will also mean they will have more of a bank balance behind them, though this is not always the case. Some people earn a good income but spend it as fast as they earn it with a lifestyle commiserate to their income.
Others want time to simply to enjoy life – the implication being that you no longer enjoy life once you are married and that life become boring. I certainly can’t say that’s been my experience.
Experts claim people who marry later have less chance of divorce. Presumably this is because they are more mature in their thinking and behavior and less likely to be swayed by simple emotion. Of course, this is not always the case. Some people might not be mature enough and ready for marriage at 30, 40 or even 50.
They have had more time to look around and decide what they want in a spouse and what qualities they could live with and what they could not live with.
What about the disadvantages of marrying later? Are there any?
One, is that if a person has become so focused on their career they may be a work-a-holic and not make time for their marriage partner. This is never good for a marriage.
They can become so set in their ways that it is hard for them then to adjust to married life and thinking of someone else.
Having fought hard to make a successful career, in the woman’s case, she may find she is not prepared to give up her career or put it in hold for a time while she has a family.
Couples who put off getting married and then having children till later in life may find problems in conceiving and have more risk of having children with Downs Syndrome or some other problems. It’s not just older mothers that are the risk factor. Experts claim older fathers create problems for their children too.
It would seem then that just as there are problems with being married young there can be potential problems associated with getting married later in life
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