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The Return of the Heavyweights

I was at the mall the other day when I saw a girl with her shirt off one shoulder, a miniskirt and leggings. I looked at my husband and asked him if the 80s were back. Apparently, they are!

I opened one of my trash mags today to see that not one, not two, but three big action heroes of the 80s were making a comeback. I had hears there was a Rocky 6 in the works. Actually, the film is titled “Rocky Balboa” and in it, Sylvester Stallone plays the beloved boxer once again. This time Rocky is older, retired, but gets one more shot at the title. I am not sure how good this will be. My college crush on Sylvester Stallone long faded, I not enjoy it as I once did, but people may not be able to resist the familiar cry of “Rocky, Rocky, Rocky” just one more time. Unfortunately, when I checked the Internet Movie Database, I also saw Stallone was also filming Rambo IV. Oh, he lost me at Rambo II.

In pre production is Live Free or Die Hard, which gives us Bruce Willis returning to his role as New York cop John McClane. John is still trying to take on the terrorists. Maybe in this day and age, we need an action hero who can do that. I was never a big fan of the Die Hard series, having only seen Die Hard 2, but if anyone can bring the crowds back into the theatres, it has to be Bruce Willis.

Unless it is this third action hero star. We haven’t heard a lot from him lately, at least not in box office numbers. Several of his recent films were seen as flops, but between 1977 and 1983, Harrison Ford starred in four of the top ten highest grossing films of the time, so after that, I suppose it is easy to have flops. However, he is in pre-production of a film that features one of his greatest loved characters – Indiana Jones. Many fans have been waiting for years for a fourth film in the series, but will they love an older Indiana Jones? Only time will tell.

Are you looking forward to any of these sequels?

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About Libby Pelham

I have always loved to write and Families.com gives me the opportunity to share my passion for writing with others. I work full-time as a web developer at UTHSC and most of my other time is spent with my son (born 2004). I love everything pop culture, but also enjoy writing about green living (it has opened my eyes to many things!) and health (got to worry about that as you get older!).