When our eyes locked, it was amazing. It was like an electric energy was coursing through me, and I realized that I was honestly looking at the person who gave me life. If it wasn’t for her, I would not be here today.
The thirty or forty feet we had to walk across the baggage claim area, to get to each other seemed like an eternity. While in reality it was only seconds.
And just like in the movies, when she got to me everything she was carrying hit the floor and I rushed into her arms and she held me.
My mother held me for the first time. She was finally holding her little baby girl.
It saddens me now, to think that it took thirty years for her to hold her daughter, but I know circumstances had to be that way. I will tell you that what it taught me, was to appreciate my own two beautiful children more.
I don’t know how long we held each other, but I can tell you that it was awhile. And it wasn’t a simple hug, I think we both had such tight grips on each other, as if we were afraid if we let go, it wouldn’t really be happening.
Yes, I cried. Yes, she cried. In fact, it was very much like the reunions you see on television. I am certain that many people passed us and wondered what was going on, but there was nobody there but us in that moment. We only knew each other, and nothing else mattered.
When we finally broke free of each other, we still held hands. My friend grabbed her stuff and I introduced her to her grandchildren. There was an immediate connection between them all, and it was awesome. And like any good grandma would, she came bearing gifts for the children. My gifts came later, and were more special than I could ever explain.
Brielle, Grandma and Ryan – November 2003
And so began the beginning of probably the most amazing week of my entire life. Nothing could ever compare to it.
More of the story coming soon…..check my blog!