As much as I sometimes hate to admit it, there is something to be said for timing–things happening at just the right time vs. trying to force things to happen when the timing just isn’t right. As single parents, we can ease our workload and our stress load some by taking into account the role that timing can play in our lives.
I wrestle with the whole concept of timing myself–it is hard getting older and feeling as though time is starting to slip away and that I need to “get a move on” and still understand that there is a place for patience and waiting until the time is right in order for things to fall into place.
Have you ever noticed how you can work and struggle and try to “force” something to happen and then, when you finally let go or just wait until things do not seem so forced or stressful, it just all comes together? It is as if there is no point in all that struggle when the timing is off but when it is right, things are much easier. I have seen this happen with people when it comes to work, finances, and even their personal lives. It seems that trying to force things is not the answer. This can be a hard concept when we are also told that we need to work and fight and struggle for everything we get. Does everything really need to be battle? Don’t some things come easier if we just wait until the timing seems ripe?
Think of it this way–trying to force and struggle can be another form of control, it can be our way of trying to make things happen our why and on our invented time frame instead of doing what we can and then turning the rest over to God or the Universe or whatever you’d like to call it. Sometimes, it might mean only a short wait and a little patience, while other times it may take a little more patience on our part.