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The Saavy Mom Reviews Two “New” Baby Products

Sometimes, when you’re wondering if this new product will really do what it says, or if you’ll really use it. . .it’s helpful to have some ‘been there, done that’ advice in your pocket. So here it is. . .two products that I think would be really, really useful! (By the way, if you’re wondering what to get for a baby shower gift–these are a couple of great suggestions!)

The Nosefrida Aspirator

I know this sounds gross and I know someone is going to go ‘ewwww.’ But, well, mucous is gross and if you’ve suffered through numerous colds with your infant you’ll completely understand why I think this invention is a beauty.

It’s actually not new. . .just new to the United States. It is a tube that you insert near the opening of your child’s nose (not in your child’s nose) and then you use your own mouth to apply suction to the get the mucous out.

Before you go ‘ewwww–gross’. . .let me say that there is a filter so you NEVER come into contact with the mucous. Why is this different than your plain old aspirator? Well, it’s safer because it’s not in your child’s nose. Secondly, it’s painless and not nearly as uncomfortable as an aspirator. It will definitely make your child’s cold more bearable.

Joovy Caboose Ultralight Tandem Stand On Stroller

If there is one thing that I have a ton of experience in–it’s strollers. We have had tandems, singles, umbrellas, but our favorite of all time was our sit and stand. We easily walk about 3-5 miles every day, lugging baby (or I should say babies) and stroller through subways several times per week. After 8 years and 5 kids we have owned no less than 9 strollers. The point being that I know of that which I speak!

This is a great stroller for a baby and a toddler. The front can use a car seat carrier and the toddler can sit in the back. It might not appear that there are straps in the back. . .but there are. It is easier to maneuver than a full length tandem and it is lighter weight than both a side by side and full length tandem stroller. If you have a baby and you have a toddler. . .you need a stroller like this! Trust me! (There’s even a forum started by another mom here who bought a similar one and loves it!)

Look soon for more reviews of up and coming baby products.