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The “School’s Out” Crash

We’re crashing around here. One of my daughters came home from her last-day-of-school picnic and slogged right upstairs to fall into bed for an afternoon nap. I’m certain the exhaustion was partially brought-about by her staying up until after midnight last night to finish a 12-page paper she’d been given an extension on. The extension was a gift, I think, and she didn’t waste it–stumbling off to the last day of school to turn in her term paper, eat a grilled hamburger, and pick up her yearbook.

When my kids were much younger, the end of the school year was a big, energetic party–now that they are all in high school–it’s been much more like what I remember the end of college terms to be–trying to scrape together as many last-minute points as humanly possible, cramming for finals, trying to get equipment and books turned in, and missing a whole lot of sleep. I expect that the next few days will be pretty sluggish around here. As a matter of fact, I might not see much of their weary teenage faces.

I’m tired too–after all, barking “have you finished that paper yet?” and groaning over having to pay fines for lost text books has taken a lot out of me this past week. When my kids are staying up for late night study and cramming sessions, I am not getting uninterrupted sleep myself. Not to mention, all the energy it takes ME to pry them out of bed the next morning. BUT, we’ve made it through another year of high school–some classes were passed I’m sure and each year gets us one step closer. For the next couple days, however, there should be a lot of sleeping, lounging by the pool, watching movies and eating sandwiches. That will be until the flurry of summer social stuff starts!

See Also: Allowing Teenagers Some Room to Flounder

Summer and the Single Parent

The Summer Brain Drain