Seven weeks out from my daughter’s birth, I seemed to have hit a bit of a rut. While I am still feeling great, my sweets intake has increased due to recent celebrations and my motivation to exercise seems to be dwindling a little bit too.
My diet started veered off course when I put together a party for my daughter’s baptism. I made the famous red velvet cupcakes. They were both tasty and calorie heavy especially with the cream cheese frosting. After that I made my thanksgiving pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread, using the sweet pumpkins I had processed and frozen the day before thanksgiving) for my sister while she was visiting. It seriously was and is best pumpkin pie (my sister even licked her plate … she is far to proper to do that). The pie is served with freshly whipped cream and the bread is served with butter; both marvellously tasty but massively high in calories. One evening I made fudge brownies. Another evening my mom made pear crisp. A few evenings later my mother-in-law made blueberry bumble crisp. It did not end there. I volunteered to make the cakes for two of my sister’s birthdays, which are two days apart. My older sister (the oldest in my family) was turning twenty nine, since my husband and I had not been in town for her birthday in the last five years, I decided to through her a birthday brunch. On the menu was cheese and sausage quiche, mimosa’s, coffee (with lots of cream available) and the belle of the brunch and the birthday cake was my home made Tiramisu. Two days later I made a German chocolate cake complete with both coconut pecan frosting and chocolate fudge frosting. A day later was Valentine’s Day. What more can I say, my love for baking and eating desserts has not been helping my post partum efforts.
To make matters worse, with all my partying late into the night (not really, just staying up late), my amazing strategy of getting up early in the morning to exercise has not happened as much during weeks seven and eight. While I am still exercising five days a week, I have not been doing my more difficult and longer workout every day, instead I have been throwing a thirty minute workout and the fun not so challenging workout into the mix. With Lent just around the corner, I am hoping and planning to get back on track with both my diet (giving up sweets) and exercise (adding the more difficult cardio workout into the mix). I would really like to be completely back into my pre-pregnancy wardrobe by Easter!