There are those in this world who cannot look out for themselves. They are the poor, the helpless and especially the orphaned children. However, within the desperate situation of the millions of orphans in the world, there is a group of children who are even greater in need. These are the special needs orphans. These children not only face the world without a mother and a father to care for them, but they also have to face the world with the extra challenges that these special needs bring.
Often these special needs children are forgotten or simply overlooked. Yet, they are the ones that need a family the most. They are also the ones who are least likely to find one.
Increasingly, though, there are people who are standing up and providing a voice for these special children who need a special kind of love and care. One such group of people is The Shepherds Crook Ministries. This organization works on the behalf of special needs orphans around the world. Their ministry has many different facets and they are truly making a difference for these who are most certainly “the least of these”.
The portion of The Shepherds Crook that is most known is that that deals with adoptions. The Shepherds Crook has helped to place many, many children from countries all around the world. Their website puts the faces and needs of special needs children in a place where they can be seen. As a result, these children are matched with adoptive families who can nurture them and help them grow.
Another part of The Shepherds Crook is their ministry to those orphans who do not have families. Sometimes these are children in countries that do not allow adoption. Other times these are children who simply have not been adopted and who still need care. The Shepherds Crook helps to provide medical care for these children and often much-needed operations. They also help to collect supplies to hospitals, orphanages and foster homes.
You may ask why I am writing about this organization in an adoption blog. While my main goal with my writing here is to speak to adoptive families, I also feel that I have a responsibility to spread the word about the needs of orphans worldwide. Some people do not feel that adoption is right for their family and even those of us who do adopt simply cannot adopt all of the orphans of the world. It is vital that we be involved in improving the lives and futures of these children.
So, I encourage you to stop by The Shepherd’s Crook website. Look at the different things that they do and consider being a part of their ministry. Also, take a look at the photolistings and really consider the faces of the children. Perhaps you can spread the word about these children, or perhaps your future child is waiting for you there.