On Tuesday I watched the live broadcast of the verdict being read for Casey Anthony. As was the case for most people, I was stunned when I heard “Not Guilty.” Poor little Caylee Anthony won’t see justice done…at least not this side of things.
Facebook got very active, lots of thoughts and opinions. Most people can’t wrap their minds around the verdict but others believe the circumstantial evidence wasn’t enough and that the prosecution reached too high in making this a death penalty case. Then of course there is the whole thing of not knowing what exactly caused her death.
The truth is I don’t know if Casey Anthony killed her precious daughter. But even if I believe the story that she drowned in the pool, how does a mother get away with lying and covering things up? What possible reason could there be?
Sure, there were all kinds of theories and accusations brought up, including that her father had sexually abused her…but we are talking about a mother who if didn’t at least partake in her daughter’s killing, failed to do anything to try and find her.
Clearly, something is wrong.
It’s hard to fathom a mother in any way contributing to her child’s death. But we know the stories; some have been tucked away or never made it to the news. Others, like Andrea Yates, will forever stick in our minds.
I did some research and discovered that there are 10 women on death row for killing their children. The children ranged in age from 4 days old to 26 years old, a total of 21 children.
While we think that a mother killing a child is a rare act, it really isn’t. In fact it’s more common than many of us think. A study by the “American Anthropological Association” says that every year in the United States, there are more than 200 cases involving a mother killing their child.
In some cases it is due to mental illness and in other cases it is trying to cover up a pregnancy. There are also problems with abuse. No one reason is sufficient enough to “explain” it away.
As a mother I just can’t relate. I can’t fathom such an act. All I can do is hug my own children and know that little Caylee Anthony is getting a special hug in heaven.
What are your thoughts on the verdict?
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Photo by Bstodd00 in WikiMedia Commons