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The Temp Agency: What I Liked About It

In looking for flexibility in employment, I found temp agencies tend to be a great option. When first on my own and seeking employment, I thought I’d stop into our local Kelly Services. I was interviewed quickly and called with a position within a couple days. Assignments given varied from a week to indefinitely. For entry level work, the wages paid were competitive. I felt it was a great opportunity to meet other people, and learn a bit about how various companies work.

If you need certain days off, you can let your manager know that you will not be available on those days. Temp work is great for many around the holiday time because so many stores are in need of extra workers, and holidays often bring a demand for more income in a family’s budget.

Not everyone likes the typical work that temp agencies offer. I worked more in light industrial. I worked on assembly lines, tallied votes for market research, assembled gift packages for employees at a company, and did filing. Some of the jobs permitted working while listening to a Discman (pre MP3 days).

Some temp agencies offer permanency work. I never accepted a permanent job because I needed the flexibility at the time. There are companies out there that offer strictly permanency work also called contract work. That’s how my husband found immediate employment when we moved to our current state. Permanency work is a great opportunity to get your foot in the door of a company that is not currently hiring outside. My husband works now at a job that he loves thanks to his placement agency. He was hired directly on after only one month. He has been there about 6 years now.

Temp work isn’t for everyone. If you need job security, it’s probably not for you. If you need extra cash, or prefer flexibility, it might be a good option.

( Melissa is a Families.com Christian Blogger. Read her blogs at: http://members.families.com/mj7/blog )