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The Temple is Not the End of the Road

ereFrom the time our children are born, we teach them about the importance of the temple. We want to impress upon them the sacred nature of that beautiful building and inspire them to marry there for time and all eternity. When the day arrives and you see your child, dressed in white, take the hand of the one they have chosen and become man and wife, you sigh with contentment. Mission accomplished.

However, this is where we get into trouble. Far too many of our young people are of the belief that if they get married in the temple, all their problems are over. They see the temple as being the final destination, and once they’ve made it there, it’s all clear sailing for the rest of their lives. They’ll never have arguments, they’ll be together forever just because, and little birds will circle overhead trilling songs of joy every time they go outside. But when they have their first real argument, their dreams are shattered and they wonder, “Why didn’t my temple marriage save me from this?”

It is crucial that while we’re teaching our children about the blessings of the temple, we also explain that a temple marriage is not a guarantee of anything. It’s a key we are given, an opportunity we are handed, but it’s not iron-clad. Our free agency is always in effect. If you get married in the temple one day and choose to have an affair the next, that’s your choice. Your temple marriage will not create an impenetrable shield around you to keep you from making mistakes.

What it will do is the following:

Make it possible for us to be together forever, based on our choices and willingness to obey.

Create a bond between ourselves and our Heavenly Father that is stronger than any bond we’ve ever had.

Bring us close together as husband and wife.

Fill our lives and our hearts with the Spirit.

Give us a place to go where we can escape from the challenges of the world and feel at peace.

Heighten our sensitivities so we are more aware of when we’re about to step into morally dangerous situations.

If you choose to make the temple an important part of your life, all these things are possible for you. But they are not forced upon you, and they don’t just automatically happen—we must seek them.

Parents, Primary teachers, Young Men and Young Women leaders, I urge you—continue to teach the children in your care about the temple. But make sure they know it’s not the end destination, but rather, an important step along the pathway that leads back to their Heavenly Father. The journey still continues after they’ve been there. We must continue to choose the right, to remain temple worthy, and to persevere in our quest for eternal life.

Related Blogs:

Take Time to Attend the Temple

Honoring Each Other

Focus on the Temple

(Photo courtesy of Morguefile.)