Did you see that Wal-Mart may be having a 75% off sale on Christmas items? How can you resist? Well, you might want to employ some strategies with the after holiday sales in order to prevent going into debt. Yesterday, I covered some ideas for just this. Click here if you missed either post: The Temptation of Great After Holiday Deals or The Temptation of Great After Holiday Deals 2
Today, I’ll wrap up with the last post in the series…
In the store, the bowl scraper I was looking for was normally priced at $10. However, if I got the same bowl scraper in green instead of white, the price was reduced to $3.99. Guess which one I got.
So, having that list really can help. Do your research and write down exactly what you need, including the quantity. You may want to hit the after Christmas sales for next year’s Christmas cards, but do you really need 10 boxes of them? Get too much, and they will clutter up your home and cost more. Ah, but I can save them for the following years, you might think. Yes, that is true, but chances are that there will be another deal on Christmas cards next year. And then what do you do–pass them on to your grandchildren and great grand-children? Remember, you are responsible for every purchase that you make.
When you are in the store faced with a great deal, ask yourself how much does that item mean to you. One strategy for helping to makes these kinds of decisions is to carry cash for your purchases. If you only have $20 to spend on those luxury towels you have been wanted for ages at the department store, do you really want to trade those in for the great deal on a waffle maker, for example.
Another way of putting it, is if you buy a lot of inexpensive stuff, you’ll never be able to afford something of more value that you really want. Put your money and energy toward your real desires instead of those great deals.
I hope you enjoyed this series!
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog, caring for little ones in the Baby Blog and now relationships in the Marriage Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here or subscribe to the blog using the subscription box on the right.
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