I have a very talkative preschooler. She is my fourth child so I felt I knew the path of a chatty little one. However, she has far surpassed my other children in her ability to use her mouth on a nonstop basis. If I walked as long as she moved her lips, I would be Twiggy. If I slept as long as she moved her lips, it would be considered a coma. As I type this I can hear her talking nonstop to her sister. Our ears all get so tired we have to pass her off like a heavy bag of groceries to prevent sore arms. When she isn’t talking she is making noises. Her mouth stops only to sleep, eat, and stuck her thumb. Still trying to figure out the thumb sucking but that’s another story.
In her short time on this earth she has had her share of saying funny things and things that left us all in total embarrassment. She once told the neighbor that I said he parked too close to my driveway. He does. She told her brother what he got for Christmas by not telling him what he got for Christmas,”You didn’t get Star Wars Legos.” I think there was even a misplaced wink. She told me I was mean. She said, “Mean. You aren’t mean but you are mean.” She must be practicing for a presidential debate. She sighed and said, “I can’t wait until you can listen.” to her sister. Me too, me too. Once, she found herself in trouble for calling her sister a name. Yes, her mouth is a source of endless trials and victories. After receiving punishment, I heard her say, “How can she hear us all the way up her?!”
Do you have a chatty little one? Share some of your favorite stories.
And I can still hear her chatting away….
talkativeMerriam-Webster: talkative definition: given to talking. →