‘Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.’ Robert Brault.
This quote popped up on my computer yesterday and I think there is a lot of truth in it. In marriage enjoy the little things, like waking up together each morning, like celebrating Christmas together. For me one of the delights is being able to go to church together. I love sitting next to my husband at church and even more so on Christmas morning which has been and gone here in Australia.
It’s lovely too to stand up the front to lead the carols and see husbands and wives holding hands as they sing the carols or standing there with other family members rejoicing.
If I could have a treasure chest into it would go all those special marriage and family moments. Oh, wait we each do have a treasure chest, called memory. So enjoy the little things and story them up in memory, because when it’s all said and done it’s so often those little things that are the key in any relationship -the smile across the room, the secret squeeze of your hand, the message intended only for your eyes, the times you laugh together and enjoy life.
After church yesterday we had a few things still to do before some of our family came for Christmas. It was good to have that special time together while waiting for family and then to enjoy being with our daughter and her husband and their little one. They are times that will go in the memory bank for this Christmas Day. And we still have plenty more to come as our son and his family arrives in a couple of days.
Enjoy the moment, look forward to the future and especially enjoy the little things. It’s those little things and those memories that will sustain us in the tough times.
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