I first began blogging about two years ago. Up until that point I had not even read a blog. I began blogging to house my writing and share my thoughts. I never intended for blogging to become an important part of my life. I’m a wife with four kids and a business. That last thing I needed was another thing on my plate. However, soon blogging became a passion of mine. In my time on the blogosphere I noticed an interesting trend. Solo bloggers are starting to become group bloggers.
The trend is not lost on me. I contribute to a blog which has three other contributors other than the main author. I also contribute to a group blog. My blog now has two contributors and I recently was asked to contribute to another blog. Blogging is becoming a community affair. As blogging becomes more popular and turns the corner to professional the pressure is on to have solid daily content. Blogging is competitive and everyone has a brand they are trying to impress upon readers.
The vision for blogging is becoming bigger, faster and more profitable. Banning together is one way to gain an edge and secure a large following. Blogs are no longer online diaries but online resources that touch lives in a unique way. Women are dominating the blogsphere finding that communicating online is as fulfilling if not more as offline. There are needs, broken hearts, and those seeking knowledge, seeking validity and they are looking for real people to share with. Bloggers are nothing if they are not real. Women of faith are finding a special outlet for ministry while women of business are finding new clients and ways to build their business. Banning together makes bloggers stronger. It is like marrying from two kingdoms of readers. Your reader base will be like minded and therefore grouping with like minded bloggers will increase your readership fast. It took me half the time to gain the amount of readers once I found myself supported by a blog tribe then before. If you are serious about blogging then get serious about finding a group of bloggers for support. Consider allowing contributors on your blog to take pressure off while gaining new readers and exposure. Contribute to other blogs to increase your exposure and find new bloggy ties. The blogging community is strong when we all ban together for support. Find your niche and your tribe and watch your blog grow.
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