The Turkish Van also known as “The Swimming Cat” is believed to have originated thousands of years ago in the eastern part of Turkey, which is also known as Eastern Anatolia. The word “van” refers to their color pattern, which is restricted to the head and tail. This classic red and white “ringtail” pattern has been found on Hittite jewelry and armor and banners from a battle during the occupation of Armenia by the Romans display the image of a large white cat with rings on its tail.
Rediscovered in the 1950s by two English women near Lake Van, they were thus named “Turkish Vans.” Since that time, cats with color patterns on their heads and tails are referred to as “van patterned” or a “vanalike.” Much loved and prized by the Turks for their exceptional character and unique coloring, the first Vans were brought to America in 1982 and were accepted for championship status in the Cat Fancier’s Association in 1994.
These cats are very alert and intelligent and they LOVE water. They not only like to dabble and play with it, but have been known to swim in it as well! As many are indoor cats without access to pools and ponds, they are known to stir the water in their bowls and play games in toilets and wherever else in the home water may run freely. They are very much aware of their surroundings and can figure out how to open doors and cabinets. They will follow their favorite person about and although they are usually the dominant members of the household, they integrate well with other animals of all types.
Vans are not lap cats and do not like to be held for too long or cuddled. They do, however, love to be stroked and petted on their own terms. They are classic head butters.
Do YOU own a Turkish Van cat? Please share your experiences.