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The Ultimate “Dad Wins” Water Fight

Here’s a fun idea for you and your family to try before the end of summer for some good old fashioned family bonding. Get everyone into their bathing suits for a water fight and choose your caliber of water weapon. You could start very easily at the entry level with spray bottles (best for young children). This is a way that you can get each other moist, without getting totally soaked.

If this is too tame for you, the next step up is a simple dime store squirt gun for everyone who is going to play. This will definitely add to the fun by slightly increasing the range at which you can get your beloved children wet. If you’re not careful, they’ll start to get you wet from a distance too.

If your “thirst” for family fun still hasn’t been quenched, then you could try the next level up in water weapons, which is a squirt bottle, or the equivalent water bottle, or 2 liter bottle filled with water. The range on this level of water weapon isn’t as great, but anyone who dares to get close to you will get really wet.

If you want the next stage in saturation, then you will need to get everyone air pressure water guns, such as Super Soakers. These have a wide range of size and price, so just be sure that you find what you are looking for. If your children are younger, you may want to steer clear of this option. The water is placed under pressure, and can produce a powerful stream. It may be a little too frightening or startling for young children, and you also need to be sure to follow the manufacturer’s safety tips.

If you have a little bit of a sinister side, then I do have the ultimate secret weapon just for the Dad. This is the ultimate plan for you, the dad, to completely drench everyone else in your family while remaining moderately dry. It does take a little bit of planning to arrange. Start by giving everyone an entry level water weapon that doesn’t have much range like a spray bottle or water bottle. Allow everyone else to team up against you, and have them start on one side of the house. Tell them that you will go to the other side and that they can come and get you starting in two minutes.

After you go around to the other side of the house there are two attacks that you might choose. First, while they are waiting on the other side of the house for the two minutes to expire, you can run upstairs to a second story window in your home and dump a bucket on unsuspecting family members beneath. If that’s a little too hard core, then you can set up a garden hose ambush for when they come around the house after you.

Have fun, but keep everyone safe.

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