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The Ultimate in Cheesy Goodness: A Versatile Filling

When it comes to cheese, my family is fanatical. I mean seriously. . .my husband puts shredded cheddar cheese where it doesn’t belong. He was thrilled to find that the stores here sell cheese just for frying. My kids ask for shredded cheddar on their oatmeal. (But hey, it gets them to eat oatmeal so why not?) Short of moving to Wisconsin to pay the ultimate in homage to all things cheesy, we are huge cheese fans.

The ultimate compliment my husband can pay one of my dishes is this: “Oh honey, this is oozing with cheesy goodness.” So it is in the spirit of my husband’s mantra–the more cheese the better–that I give you this recipe. I found the original on an old and tattered index card tucked away in my grandmother‘s recipe collection. I adapted it to fit our family and have since experimented with it to make it more versatile.

For this recipe you will need:

4 ounces cream cheese, softened

1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese

1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese

1/4 teaspoon of onion powder

1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder

If you like spicy, you can add some red pepper flakes and use pepper jack instead of cheddar cheese.

In a small bowl, mix together all of the ingredients thoroughly. Spread the ingredients on buttered bread and fry like a grilled cheese sandwich. If you have a ‘snackster’ or similar device this is a great filling!

A few more variations:

Grill it on one piece of sour dough bread. Grill the top piece of bread separately and then add a few slices of tomatoes to the sandwich.

Add finely chopped vegetables to the cheese mixture before grilling. Sauteed mushrooms and onions, shredded carrots, chopped onions and even roasted garlic (in lieu of onion and/or garlic powder) all make excellent additions.

Add finely chopped bacon or ham to the cheese mixture.

Instead of grilling this like a sandwich, use the cheese filling to stuff refrigerator croissants (like Pillsbury) and bake according to package directions.

Add this half of the recipe for this filling to a package of prepared stuffing and use it to stuff mushrooms!

This will also make a great filling for an omelet.

However, you like your cheesy goodness, this is one mixture that is sure to please!

Other yummy sandwiches you need to try:

Twice Delicious: Tex Mex Pork Wraps

A New Twist on an Old Favorite

A Sandwich You’ve Got to Try