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The Value of Devotions

What better way to show love and respect toward our Lord and Savior than to have devotional time with Him? Devoting time to God has more purpose than just worshiping and gaining new insight on Him; it is good for your overall well-being too.

There are many ways to devote time to God:

  • Find online devotionals. There are many available daily online in addition to reading them in books. The benefit you get from this is gaining new perspectives on life and ways of seeing situations. Sometimes devotionals can help get us out of a box or give us a kick start to our day with a fresh attitude. Often devotionals have scripture that applies to what the writer is sharing in addition to suggestions for things to pray about.
  • The humbling confine of the shower is one of my favorite places to devote time to the Lord. I sing to Him, I pray for my family there. It’s kind of a place where I don’t have the distraction of the world around me and can just talk to God. Even during mundane tasks such as folding laundry or doing dishes can be a good opportunity to take quiet time and listen to God; talk with Him about the troubles of the day and thank Him for the good.
  • Bible study is one of the best devotions. Not only are you learning more about God, you are building up your faith “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17)

What person doesn’t enjoy someone taking interest in them? How much more does God appreciate your interest in Him? He knows you’re busy, but most of us tend to put more importance on other things in our lives than we do Him. How can you have a close relationship with someone you don’t take time to know or maintain a friendship with? I challenge you to make time for God. As you do, watch how He touches your life.