Summer is on the way and I know you have your swim suit body ready. What? You were not diligent in preparing your suit? Well, no worries, I still have my winter body also. My son gains weight over the winter every year. Since all my typing doesn’t burn and all his video game thumb moves don’t burn enough calories, it is time to hit the gym and the trails. Or perhaps we will just play kickball, tennis, and some basketball. There are plenty of ways to burn calories and get in shape. The best way is to burn it all off together.
The benefit in sharing a workout routine with your child is accountability. A child normally has more energy is more hyped up to go run around the block or play basketball. As parents we know our job is to encourage a healthy lifestyle and model self control and commitment. It is easy to cheat on your diet when it is just you or just you and a friend who enjoys the guilty pleasures of ice cream. However, a child will not let you get off that easy. In some cases, a child is willing to be your partner in diet crime. However, the parent then takes over and realizes we cannot be a bad influence. Your sense of follow through is increased when we are thinking of our children’s future. This is not all guilt and smoke and mirrors. There is value in working with your child and modeling true accomplishment that the child can see and relate to on his own level. You are showing your child a better and healthier life. The bond will strengthen as you rely on each other for motivation and rejoice with each other as goals are met. It really is a sweet way to relate to one another.
So grab your kid and get healthy!