We continued to go back and forth to the supervised visitations for a few months but there was no end and sight. So far the biological mother had been going to the visitations and was working the reunification plan.
Because the biweekly supervised parental visitations continued and it was getting harder and harder for us to get out of work a half day every other week the CPS case workers offered to pick Rebecca up for one visit a month if we could drive her for the second visit. Given that we lived an hour and a half away it was great to have the help as we were both still working full time and these meetings took place during the week during business hours.
During one of the visits that they picked her up for they came to us and said that she had missed a therapy session but made the visit. This gave me a little tingle because she had to do everything or there was no chance of reunification. Is it wrong to pray for her failure? I must admit I did that may make me a bad person but I really wanted to keep the family together.
The next visit we brought her to the biological mother brought a friend. She said that he was just a friend I was relieved when the case workers would not allow this stranger to be in the visitation room with our little girl. He had to wait out in the waiting room he was not happy about this but I was. When the tummy mommy asked why she could not have him in there with her to meet her daughter it was explained to her that only immediate family was authorized in the visits.
These visits all basically went the same she would sit there and rock her occasionally she would give her a bottle but other than that she did not speak and she had no emotions. Maybe that is one major difference between me and her I could not understand how she was so emotionless.
Our next visitation we were going to bring her to because after the visit we were going to be allowed to be present during a meeting with the biological mother and the case workers. This made me a little nervous as I did not know what this was going to be about.