Every once in a while a story comes along that strengthens your faith in love and people. In a time when divorce is so common it’s refreshing to read a story about a love story that continued because two people honored the vows they made.
Kim and Krickitt Carpenter met over the phone. Kim was calling to place an order for a jacket and was intrigued by Krickett’s voice, he found reasons to call back and before they knew it they were having long phone calls and exchanging letters.
When they finally met in person they discovered they had something special. Their courtship continued and they had a beautiful wedding and were starting their lives together.
Two months after the wedding they were in a horrible car accident that left Krickitt with a brain injury. Gone was the woman Kim married, she couldn’t remember who he was, much less that they were married.
Krickitt’s personality changed as well, she could be mean and used language she would never have used before the accident. One thing did not change, her faith. Krickett still had a strong relationship with God and turned to him again to guide her after the accident.
Kim helped with Krickett’s physical rehabilitation, hoping that something, anything, would spark a memory of their love. Nothing did. Instead Krickett turned to God and asked him to help her, if this was the man she was to be with, help her fall in love all over again.
It was difficult, at times Kim thought he would just have to help Krickitt become well enough to live alone, she seemed to hate him. Kim stood strong and refused to abandon the woman he married or the vow he made.
They made it, it took a lot of hard work and mostly a very strong faith. Where others would have walked away, Kim and Krickitt stood strong and showed us what making a vow really means.