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The Way of Love

Well, it’s over. No, not my marriage, but the book launch of my newest novel Streets on a Map. Now our lives and marriage can go back to normal a bit.

On Valentine’s Day, as it already is here in Australia, what better chance to write my own verse inside his card thanking my husband for all his love and support. This book launch would never have happened without him. He was my right hand man. He em ceed the event introducing the how the afternoon would work and the first speaker, taking money for books sold, taking photos for the local paper as well as our own record and for my website, and that was just during the launch. Not to mention all the time he put in beforehand preparing posters with snippets of reviews on them and setting up tables and chairs and encouraging me when I started to wonder if it was all worth it.

Meanwhile our daughter’s husband very graciously gave up the company of her and their baby so she could come down to our place a couple of days earlier and help with food preparation and planning. Because of work he was unable to come down until the day of the launch. But he was still happy to chip in and help in various ways as he knew it was important for me and for his wife.

Then there was another married couple and dear friends who came and helped us set up the hall with table and chairs and food as well as those husbands there with supporting their wives who were singing or speaking or just sharing their interest. That’s what marriage is all about, working together, supporting each other and being there to help celebrate important milestones.

Another married couple who Mick and I have been friends with for around 25 years, came and stayed with us over the weekend and it was great to catch up on shared memories and things that have happened since we haven’t seen each other.

Today Mick and I exchanged Valentine’s Day cards, which is as far as we usually go. We’re not into the gift giving on Valentine’s. But there was a wealth of love behind each of the cards and that love was certainly demonstrated by actions, which is the way love should be.

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